Anthonynextgen Wiki
The Anthony Livestream Show Print logo (2021)

The Anthony Livestream Show is an American streaming television series created by Anthony D. Banda and produced by ANGTV. It is hosted by him too. The series' started its run on July 26, 2019 and ended on March 20, 2021.


When the show was owned by Anthony Banda Studios Television since the series first premiered, Anthony Network was considering buying the property in late 2020. Starting from the 5th season, it was officially confirmed that Anthony Network now completely owns the Anthony Livestream Show property.


It appears that some of the episodes either end early or get deleted off of YouTube due to these following reasons:

  • A sensitive topic was brought up that is/may be considered offensive or dark.
  • An argument was caused by one of the guests
  • A uninvited person breaking in to the stream (Though it's likely to have a part 2, just like "An Unexpected Opening" made a two-parter episode titled "What Happened?")